The story revolves around Haruna Nagashima (main character). Haruna was a baseball star back in middle school, she always gives her best when it comes to playing baseball. Now that she's in high school she decided that she wanted a boyfriend (she's desperate), but she doesn't know how to dress up properly and no guy would pick her up. Then she accidentally meets Yoh Kawayama, a cool, handsome, popular guy that actually hates girls. Haruna begs Yoh to coach her and teach her how to be attractive.
Can this girl really find a boyfriend?
Find out what will happen to the story. okay?
Koukou debut has 52 chapters
I must say, I love this manga series. You can actually relate to the story very much.
There are no fiction, magical things or talking books in the story. Those who love to read a school life love story will absolutely love this!! I mean it, it's a really really good manga. If you haven't read it yet, go read it now! Check it out at,,,
You could actually find this manga series at any websites that offers free manga scans. You won't regret spending your time reading this manga series, so go and read!
I beg to differ on this one. I liked the art but the story seem a bit lacking. It didn't motivate me enough to finish it.
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